Support / Contact

College In My Future is managed by the Excite Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit.  We have ambitious plans for expanding the program throughout East San Jose in 2022 and 2023.  In addition, we are seeking partners to launch a pilot in Wilmington, North Carolina in 2022.

For more information on how you can support the program (or how you might launch a program in your school or community), please contact us at   You can also reach the Excite Foundation executive director at or 408-666-8474.

There are creative ways to support the Franklin-McKinley students and the College In My Future pilot program:

  • Sponsor a special savings match for children and families (you can create your own terms)

  • Adopt a classroom, school or district with a savings match idea

  • Organize a fundraiser within your service club, community group or workplace to benefit students participating in the program

  • Share your idea with us, and let’s develop it together!

You can donate directly to the program here.  Please put “College In My Future” in the special instructions section of your donation form.